Coverable Videoscopic System

Indication of Use

VIMS Coverable videoscopic system’s Intended Use is to deliver an internal video
image of the patient to avoid open surgery.


  • EndoVims Cameras: Available in sizes of 10mm and 5mm, with both 0° and 30° angles, these cameras are designed for endoscopy.
  • OpenVcam: An environmental camera mounted on an articulated arm for filming open surgeries.
  • 6K UHD Resolution: Offers superior image clarity and detail.
  • All-in-One Processor : Integrates mono-led video light source, recording capabilities, and supports multi-display setups.
  • Recording of Surgeries: Capability to store surgeries on a flash drive or a dedicated server.
  • Broadcasting: Features include live video and audio retransmission, and options for displaying surgeries on a webpage.

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