Coverable Videoscopic System

Indication of Use

The Classic Tower medical imaging system is primarily indicated for use in a variety of surgical procedures, both endoscopic and open surgeries, where high-resolution visual support is critical. It is ideal for hospitals and surgical centers seeking to enhance their surgical imaging capabilities with advanced 4K UHD cameras and live broadcasting functionalities. The system’s single-use sterile covers also make it particularly suitable for environments requiring stringent contamination control measures. Additionally, its multi-display and touchless interface features support a seamless and efficient surgical workflow.


  • High-Resolution Imaging: Equipped with 4K UHD cameras for clear, detailed surgical visuals.
    Versatile Camera Options: Includes both EndoVims and OpenVcam cameras, designed for endoscopic and open surgery applications.
  • Versatile Camera Options: Includes both EndoVims and OpenVcam cameras, designed for endoscopic and open surgery applications.
  • Broadcast Capabilities: Allows for recording and live broadcasting of surgeries, with options for bilateral sound and video retransmission on a dedicated server or web page.
  • Touchless Interface: Features a touchless interface for more hygienic operation and user convenience.

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