
Indication of Use

BiLevel therapy device for the treatment of patients with obstructive, mixed, or complex sleep apnea and/or
• chronically reduced respiratory drive (e.g., sleep-related or position-dependent hypoventilation or chronically stable OHS),
• respiratory insufficiency, e.g., COPD.


  1. Multiple Ventilation Modes: Equipped with CPAP, APAP, S, S/T, T, autoS/T, and aPCV modes, it provides comprehensive treatment options for various types of sleep-disordered breathing and respiratory failure.
  2. Intelligent Pressure Management: Features like autoPDIFF (Automatically Regulated Pressure Difference) and Bi soft 1/2 ensure enhanced comfort by adjusting the pressure dynamically based on the patient’s breathing pattern.
  3. Advanced Humidification: Includes smartAQUAcontrol for intelligent humidification without the need for additional sensors, improving therapy adherence by maintaining optimal air moisture.
  4. Safety and Comfort: It comes with a high level of safety standards, including automatic or permanently set backup frequencies to ensure continuous breathing support.
  5. Large Touchscreen with Intuitive Navigation: The large touchscreen interface allows for fast and intuitive adjustments, simplifying operation for both patients and caregivers.
  6. Telemedicine and Connectivity: Supports advanced connectivity options such as telemedicine via prisma CLOUD, SD card, PSG, and LAN connections for comprehensive remote monitoring and management.

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