Lack B eco

Indication of Use

Lack B mat silicone lacquer is indicated for use in the coating of earmolds and ear impressions in the audiology sector. It provides a durable, protective layer that enhances the longevity and performance of these devices by curing rapidly in the presence of air humidity. It is essential for protecting sensitive auditory devices from physical wear and environmental factors.


  1. Optimized formulation: Less odor and stays longer fresh in the bottle
  2.  Contains no toluene therefore user-friendly
  3. Brilliantly shiny, clear transparent surface
  4. Moisture-curing
  5. For lacquering all silicone earmolds made of Biopor® AB
  6.  Excellent bond
  7. Robust and durable coating

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia there live the blind texts.


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