Cardiac MRI Analysis Software

Indication of Use

suiteHEART® is indicated for use by healthcare professionals in the cardiac imaging field who require a robust, efficient tool for the detailed analysis and diagnosis of cardiac conditions. It is especially beneficial in diagnosing hard-to-detect cardiac issues quickly and accurately.


  1. Fully Automated Segmentation: Utilizes advanced preprocessing algorithms to automatically segment cardiac structures, reducing the need for manual intervention and speeding up the analysis process.
  2. Multi-Vendor Compatibility: Works seamlessly across various MRI systems, not limiting users to a single vendor, thereby offering flexibility and reducing dependency on proprietary software.
  3. Accessible Anywhere: Can be used remotely, facilitating easier access to cardiac MRI analysis for clinicians regardless of their location.
  4. Flexible Licensing: Offers both unlimited and per-case licensing options, providing cost-effective solutions tailored to different usage needs and financial situations.
  5. Comprehensive Analysis Tools: Includes tools for myocardial evaluation, flow analysis, T1 and T2 mapping, and 3D/4D flow visualization, enabling a thorough assessment of cardiac health.

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