Distal Radius Plate

Indication of Use

This plate is primarily indicated for surgical repair of fractures in the distal radius. It is especially useful in cases requiring stable and precise fixation to promote optimal bone healing and wrist function.


  • Angle-Stable Holes: Incorporated in the plate head to allow for secure and stable fixation of bone fragments using angle-stable cortical screws (Ø 3.5 mm).
  • Kirschner Wire Fixation Holes: Facilitate temporary fixation and guide screw placement.
  • Anatomically Adapted Shape: Designed to match the curvature of the distal radius, enhancing patient comfort and surgical outcomes.
  • Variety of Designs: Available in specific configurations for the left and right wrists, ensuring a tailored fit.
  • Dimensions: Plate thickness is 3.0 mm, width is 10 mm, and length is 69 mm with 5 holes for screws.

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