Topical Skin Adhesives

Indication of Use

LiquiBand Exceed is designed for repeated use up to 90 minutes within surgical settings. It is ideal for closing clean, dry surgical or trauma-induced wounds, providing a strong, flexible seal that enhances patient recovery.





  • Precision Application: Features an elliptical-shaped applicator tip for variable-width application, providing precise control and preventing dripping and squirting.
  • Enhanced Adhesive Formula: Utilizes a pure octyl formulation that maximizes durability and flexibility while ensuring high viscosity for intimate skin contact.
  • Microbial Barrier: Offers protection against a broad spectrum of microbes including gram-positive, gram-negative, and fungal organisms such as MRSA and Candida albicans.
  • Superior Coverage: Capable of covering wounds up to 30cm, ensuring cost-effectiveness and efficient use of the adhesive.
  • Strong Closure: Maintains effective wound closure throughout the healing process, with the adhesive naturally sloughing off after 5-10 days.

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