About Us

Strong medical product sourcing

Morulaa has been established by a Family which has a legacy of 130 years in Business from Chennai, India.  The family is well known in the Food, Electronic and Medical Industry.

From product registration to medical device importing, we are recognized as a leader in the Indian medical device industry. We work with over 210 global medical device manufacturers with sourcing being our forte. Our customers rely on us when it comes to getting their products from anywhere in the world.

From a humble beginning as a team of consultants, over the last ten years we’ve grown to become a leading importer for various global medical device brands.

130 Plus Years of Business Legacy!
10 Years in the Medical Device Industry
One of the Largest Importers of Medical Products in India

24 Hours Technical Support

Private Hospital Supply

government tenders

global sourcing

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia there live the blind texts.


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