Applications of Hemostatic powder

Hemostatic Devices

Bleeding due to operative measures can be stopped by surgical procedures like ligation, suturing, and by using electrocautery. These techniques when employed minimizes blood loss. Other topical hemostatic agents like physical and biological agents are used as an alternative to surgical hemostats for sensitive structures bleeding and in bleeding of patients with abnormalities caused by hemostats.

Topical Hemostatic agents are deployed instead of surgical hemostasis when they are impractical or not adequate. Topical Hemostatic agents can be divided into two categories

  • Physical Agents – A passive substrate is used which promotes hemostasis
  • Biological active agents – These agents enhance coagulation at the sire of bleeding.

HaemoCer Plus from BioCer is a biologically active agent hemostat that enhances coagulation at the bleeding site. Morulaa Healthtech Pvt. Ltd holds the license for this medical device in India.

Unique Areas of Use

Hemorrhage is the leading cause of battlefield death among military personnel. Over the years, many hemostatic agents have been developed. Recently, hemostatic powders are being researched to replace traditional dressings like gauze. Hemostatic powders like HaemoCer Plus could find themselves useful in military hospitals, surgeons. The number of units required by dealers and distributors working with these military hospitals is high. Majority of early death is due to hemorrhage and between the time taken to the hospital from the field.

Hemorrhage is commonly called bleeding, it could be internal or external. This bleeding can occur due to trauma, medical conditions, and also due to medicines.

Gastrointestinal bleeding is a serious complication of internal bleeding which is difficult to treat with normal endoscopic hemostats. Hemostatic powders have been tried out to alleviate this complication. The success rate of the hemostasis is a lot when hemostatic powders are used.

HaemoCer Plus as mentioned above can be used in these areas exclusively due to their powder, topical biological applicative nature. HaemoCer Plus with its distinct advantages like plant-based, absorbable polysaccharide makes it natural, safe, and effective.

Fields of Application

Previously, the summarized information of HaemoCer Plus was published. To read that article , visit this link.  This HaemoCer Plus has many field of applications like

  • Cardiac, Vascular and Thoracic Surgery
  • General Surgery
  • Transplant Surgery
  • Traumatology
  • Tumour Surgery
  • Oral and maxillofacial Surgery
  • ENT Surgery
  • Urology / Gynaecology
  • Orthopaedics
  • Burn surgery
  • Neurosurgery

HaemoCer Plus can also be found useful in preventing adhesions. The medical device forms a barrier preventing the sticking of tissues. Adhesions are scars of tissues which forms after surgeries. The powder is applied on thes tissue and irrigated, the powder mixed with water forms a gel on it and helps in the healing of the tissue by disallowing contact with other tissues.

In India, dealers and distributors can find this product good as they could be easily marketable due to their wide range of applications.T he distributors in India mainly dealing with wound care and surgical products may add this product to their inventory. Doctors, Physicians will find it simple to use HaemoCer Plus as the application of it on the patient is uncomplicated.


HaemoCer Plus is a CE, CDSCO approved medical device. In this article, the medical devices, applications and advantages of the Morulaa licensed BioCer product is discussed. This Morulaa imported medical device is easy to use, safe and effective that can be used in different kinds of surgeries.

To know more about the product details, brochure and information about other medical devices please visit

Morulaa is a turnkey solution provider with an in-house Regulatory Consultancy team to conduct registrations of medical devices. Morulaa provides high-quality and professional services for Regulatory Consultancy and we aim at developing long-term relationships for the Indian Market.

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