Applications of IVF Device – Embryo Transfer Catheter

In vitro fertilization (IVF)

In-vitro Fertilization is the process of forming a union between a woman’s egg and a man’s sperm. This technique is also known as Artificial Reproductive Technology(ART). Ivf is a tool Aused to treat infertility and create an avenue for women to reproduce in an artificial manner.

Steps of IVF

  • Medication – Giving medicines to stimulate the hormone production to increase the production of eggs
  • Egg Harvesting –   A guide needle is passed and eggs are collected with the help of transvaginal ultrasound
  • Fertilization – The egg and the sperm are fused together in lab procedures. The sperm is injected using a sperm injection
  • Embryo Culture – The embryo divides into a number of cells and doctors or physicians let it reach the blastocyst stage sometimes to obtain more than 100 cells
  • Embryo Transfer – This step involves transferring the embryo to the uterine wall through the cervix. It is done using a catheter along with ultrasound to visualize

Embryo Transfer Catheter

Embryo transfer catheter plays a rather pivotal role in the in-vitro fertilization process. The catheter helps in the right placement of the embryos in the uterus of the woman, at the endometrial lining, which is very critical for the success of the procedure.

The woman undergoing this procedure is given a cocktail of hormones to overstimulate the production of her eggs, scientifically called Oocytes. Then sperm from the donor is used to fertilize these eggs.

So, these fertilized eggs or embryos, usually 2 or 3, are loaded onto the Embryo transfer catheter, which the physician then uses to navigate through the cervix to the uterine lining. There are two types – Hard catheter and soft catheter.

The catheter is slowly introduced into the uterine cavity, ensuring that no damage is being done to the lining. The embryos are then released or expelled from the tip of the embryo transfer catheter to the endometrial lining. The catheter is then slowly withdrawn from the woman’s cervix. 

LabotectEmbryo Transfer Catheter

Embryo transfer catheter from Labotect is a quality product from Germany. It has many features and design advantages in comparison to Cook Medical’s Embryo transfer catheter. Labotect situated in the heart of Germany mainly develops products in the field of reproductive assistance and other life science laboratory products. Labotect is ISO13485 accredited for the development, manufacture, distribution, and servicing of devices and tools for assisted reproduction, gynecology, surgery, and tissue culture.  It has obtained approval certificates from Europe, and CDSCO from India.

Morulaa Healthtech Pvt. Ltd is the licensed importer of Labotect medical devices in India.

Types Of Embryo Transfer

  • Fresh Transfer – the embryo is transferred fresh after fertilization
  • Frozen Transfer – embryo after fertilization is kept in a frozen state, brought back to room temperature and then transferred
  • Cleavage Transfer – embryo transferred at day 3 after cleavage
  • Blastocyst Transfer – embryo transferred at day 5
  • Single embryo transfer and Double embryo transfer

Uses and Applications

  • For In-vitro Fertilization
    • Fallopian tube damage
    • Ovulation disorders
    • Impaired sperm production
    • Endometriosis
  • Transfer Of Embryo in a safe, effective manner

In India, distributors and dealers would find it easy to understand this product and help doctors and fertility clinics understand the application technique of the embryo transfer catheter, in IVF specifically used by trained professionals.


Embryo Transfer Catheter by Labotect is an embryo transfer medical device approved by CDSCO in India. This article deals with in vitro fertilization, embryo transfer, use and applications, and other relevant information that needs to be known by the dealers and distributors. This embryo transfer catheter-like  Cook medical’s is based on similar principles. The embryo transfer catheter of Labotect is an excellent medical device that can be used to transfer embryos by fertility clinics. It is a product imported by Morulaa and may be considered as a good alternative to other embryo transfer catheters from Cook medical.

This article is intended to give product information on Embryo Transfer Catheter. To know more about the product details, brochure please visit

Morulaa is a turnkey solution provider with an in-house Regulatory Consultancy team to conduct registrations of medical devices. Morulaa provides high-quality and professional services for Regulatory Consultancy and we aim at developing long-term relationships for the Indian Market.

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