Embryo Transfer Catheter – Labotect

In-vitro Fertilization

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is the process of fertilizing an egg outside in vivo conditions i.e in vitro using sperm and is known as Assistive Reproductive Technology (ART).  It is done to help fertility and also to alleviate genetic problems.

The IVF process involves

  • Examining and stimulating the ovulatory process of a woman
  • Taking out ovum or ova from the body.
  • Fertilizing it using sperm in a culture medium in a laboratory.

To further explain, in vitro fertilization process can be divided into 5 steps

  • Giving medicines
  • Harvesting eggs
  • Fertilizing to form a zygote
  • Culturing Embryo
  • Transfer of Embryo
             in vitro fertilization

Embryo Transfer

Embryo Transfer, the final step of the IVF process where the embryos are transferred to the uterine wall. It can be done using an Embryo Transfer catheter.  The doctor will use ultrasonography to guide a catheter through the cervix and into the womb. The embryos are then transferred through the tube and into the womb.

Why is it needed?

In case of ovulation disorders, constricted sperm production, genetic disorders, fallopian tube damage, IVF, and embryo transfer are used. Embryo transfer can be done using a catheter which helps to navigate through the vagina and place the embryo in the uterus. Fertility clinics commonly conduct the in vitro fertilization process and use catheters for embryo transfer techniques. Catheters are sterilized, metal or plastic made tubes that are safe for embryo transfer. Cook Medical, Labotect are the common embryo transfer catheters available in the market.

LabotectEmbryo Transfer Catheter

Embryo transfer catheter from Labotect is a quality product from Germany. It has many features and design advantages in comparison to Cook Medical’s Embryo transfer catheter. Labotect situated in the heart of Germany mainly develops products in the field of reproductive assistance and other life science laboratory products. Labotect is ISO13485 accredited for the development, manufacture, distribution, and servicing of devices and tools for assisted reproduction, gynecology, surgery, and tissue culture.  It has obtained approval certificates from Europe, and CDSCO from India.

Morulaa Healthtech Pvt. Ltd is the licensed importer of Labotect medical devices in India.

Features of Labotect – Embryo Transfer Catheter

  • Guiding cannula permits trouble-free insertion of the inner catheter
  • A sliding ring on the cannula helps to set penetration depth and direction
  • Curved guiding cannula helps to be used in difficult anatomic conditions too
  • Three different lengths permit optimal adaption to different anatomies
  • Disposable product, double sterile packed

This information might be critical for dealers and distributors since it will help them decide which kind of surgeons and hospitals to service.

Areas of Use

An Embryo transfer catheter is typically used in in vitro fertilization for embryo transfers. The Embryo transfer catheter comes in three measurements 150, 190, 230 mm.

Embryo Transfer Catheter

Enhanced Safety and Reliability

  • Each batch MEA (Mouse Embryo Assay) and LAL (Endotoxin Assay) tested
  • Biocompatibility conforming to ISO 10993
  • Validated gamma-sterilization
  • Production under controlled conditions

In India, distributors and dealers would find it easy to understand this product and help doctors and fertility clinics understand the application technique of the embryo transfer catheter, in IVF specifically used by trained professionals.


Embryo Transfer Catheter by Labotect is an embryo transfer medical device approved by CDSCO in India. This article deals with in vitro fertilization, embryo transfer, why is it needed, and other relevant information that needs to be known by the dealers and distributors. This embryo transfer catheter-like  Cook medical’s is based on similar principles. The embryo transfer catheter of Labotect is an excellent medical device that can be used to transfer embryos by fertility clinics. It is a product imported by Morulaa and may be considered as a good alternative to other embryo transfer catheters from Cook medical.

This article is intended to give product information on Embryo Transfer Catheter. To know more about the product details, brochure please visit products.morulaa.com.

Morulaa is a turnkey solution provider with an in-house Regulatory Consultancy team to conduct registrations of medical devices. Morulaa provides high-quality and professional services for Regulatory Consultancy and we aim at developing long-term relationships for the Indian Market.

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