adhesion barrier

HaemoCer Plus – Use as an Adhesion Barrier

Haemocer – Blood Clotting Cascade Enhancer

Hemostatic powder like HaemoCer PlusĀ is used when the normal blood clotting process needs a little push to fasten the blood clotting.

Plant-based HaemoCer Plus is an absorbable polysaccharide hemostat. They are prepared by a process known as PURE. It has no animal or human components present in it. HaemoCer Plus works by enhancing the natural clotting process without directly involving in any chemical reaction.

BioCer, a medical device company based in Bayreuth, Germany. They specialize in the development and production of innovative medical biomaterial products without animal or human components.

Morulaa Healthtech Pvt. Ltd is the licensed importer of BioCer products.

Adhesions after surgery

Adhesions are scars on tissues that allow the joining of two tissues. They are thin sheets of tissues resembling plastic sheets. Adhesions form as a repair response to tissue damages due to surgery, trauma, infection, and radiation which results in inflammation.


Locations of occurrence

  • Abdominal adhesions – 90% of people undergoing surgeries around the abdomen develop adhesions and 10% develop even without any surgeries.
  • Pelvic adhesions – gets formed in the organs found in the pelvis regions such as the uterus, bladder, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. Adhesions in this region lead to infertility and other reproductive complications like endometriosis
  • Pleural adhesions – Adhesions form around the lungs after pneumonia, tuberculosis, or surgeries at that place.
  • Heart adhesions – Adhesions surround the heart muscle and limit heart function.

Adhesion prevention barrier

Adhesions are scar tissue that can form after inflammations, surgical interventions, or tumor diseases. This results in fan- or strand-like adhesions between organs or tissue surfaces in the abdominal cavity that are normally not connected to each other. Adhesions are usually caused by injury to the delicate organ membranes during surgery. Local inflammation also occurs with minute injuries or merely trauma to organs.

To build up the adhesion barrier, the powder is applied generously to the tissue to be protected and then moistened with sterile water or a saline solution. The HaemoCer Plus powder absorbs the liquid and transforms into a protective gel layer. This barrier prevents contact with other tissue during the postoperative healing process. This adhesion barrier can be created in both open and minimally invasive procedures.HaemoCer plus

Application Technique

  • DRY –Ā  Remove all excess blood by suctioning, wiping
  • APPLY – Generously apply HaemoCer Plus powder to the entire mesothelial defect and wound surfaces
  • IRRIGATE – Moisten the powder with sterile saline solution or sterile water until the powder is completely converted into a gel

In India, distributors and dealers would find it easy to understand this product and help doctors understand as the application technique of the hemostatic agent is simple.

This product has wide areas of applications in Cardiac, Vascular, and Thoracic Surgery, General Surgery, Transplant Surgery, Traumatology, Tumour Surgery, Oral and maxillofacial Surgery, ENT Surgery, Urology / Gynaecology, Orthopaedics, Burn Surgery, and Neurosurgery. This information could be crucial for dealers and distributors as it will give them an idea of which kind of surgeons, hospitals to serve. From the areas of application here for HaemoCer Plus, dealers and distributors have great opportunities to market this plant-based safe hemostatic agent that is HaemoCer Plus.


HaemoCer Plus is a CE, CDSCO approved medical device. In this article, the adhesion barrier capabilities of the Morulaa licensed BioCer product is discussed. This Morulaa imported medical device is easy to use, safe and effective that can be used in different kinds of surgeries.

This article is intended to give product information on HaemoCer Plus Haemostatic powder India. To know more about the product details, brochure and information about other medical devices please visit

Morulaa is a turnkey solution provider with an in-house Regulatory Consultancy team to conduct registrations of medical devices. Morulaa provides high-quality and professional services for Regulatory Consultancy and we aim at developing long-term relationships for the Indian Market.




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