orthopedic industry bone bone cement morulaa

Orthopedic Industry Outlook and Growth

Orthopedic Industry

The orthopedic industry is predicted to rise drastically in the next few years because of the increase in the aging community and the demand for medical and orthopedic devices that will enhance their quality of life. This growth will give benefits more weight.

These medical devices help the patient with diseases in the musculoskeletal and other medical conditions. Orthopedic devices in India hold a staggering portion of the market with a value of 1540 million USD and are expected to grow 7.7% within 2026.

The Indian Orthopedic Devices Market is driven by the growing rate of the elderly population and the surging pervasiveness of illnesses such as diabetes, obesity, osteoarthritis, and osteoporosis. Besides, a rise in roadway accidents is also foreseen to drive the market for the Indian Orthopedic Devices Market during the prediction years. Additionally, progress in health care expense is more anticipated to thrust the market.

Among all the regions, South India is expected to dominate the market. This can be attributed to the increasing health awareness among the population.

Segments of the market

The market can be segmented into product type, application, end-user, company, and region. The market may be divided into joint reconstruction, orthopedic braces and supports, trauma fixation, spinal devices, orthopedic prosthetics, and orthopedic accessories based on product type. Because of the substantial growth in the incidence of the senior population, the joint reconstruction product category is projected to dominate the market in the future. Furthermore, growing occurrences of illnesses such as diabetes, obesity, osteoarthritis, and osteoporosis are propelling this segment’s rise across the country. The market may be divided into four sections based on application: knee replacement, spine injury, hip replacement, and shoulder replacement.

 Bone cement is an important product in the orthopedic medical device repository.

Bone Cement Imported by Morulaa


Morulaa Healthtech Pvt Ltd. is the licensed importer of Subiton.

Subiton, also known as Laboratorios SL, is an Argentine firm that has been a world leader in medical devices since 1957. These products are manufactured in environment-conscious facilities, serves over 110 nations. It has obtained certification of its products in India.


The above article deals with the orthopedic industry, the growth, market outlook, and subiton bone cement. Subiton products are of high-quality, provided at a competitive price. Morulaa’s imported cement is well suited to give stability to implants used in total knee replacement and total hip replacement surgeries.  This information could be crucial for dealers and distributors as it will give them an idea of which kind of surgeons, hospitals to serve. From the areas of application here for Subiton, dealers and distributors have great opportunities to market this acrylic cement Subiton.

This article is intended to give product information on Subiton bone cement. To know more about the product details, brochure please visit products.morulaa.com.

Morulaa is a turnkey solution provider with an in-house Regulatory Consultancy team to conduct registrations of medical devices. Morulaa provides high-quality and professional services for Regulatory Consultancy and we aim at developing long-term relationships for the Indian Market.

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