Advanced Diagnostic Audiometer

Indication of Use

The Harp Diagnostic Audiometer is indicated for use by audiologists, hearing aid dispensers, and healthcare professionals in clinics, hospitals, and other medical settings to conduct a comprehensive range of audiometric tests. These tests are essential for assessing and diagnosing various types and degrees of hearing loss.


  • Comprehensive Audiometric Testing: Offers tests including AC, BC, speech audiometry, ABLB, SISI, Stenger, DLI. Plus model adds TEN Test and QuickSIN™.
  • Advanced Technology and Integration: Includes 4 GB flash memory for speech materials, PC operation via USB, and integration with Maestro or Noah databases.
  • User-Friendly Design: Features a multilingual interface, color display, dedicated buttons for word lists, and dual operation modes (stand-alone or hybrid).
  • Portable and Robust Construction: Compact and lightweight (1.85 kg without printer), made in Italy, ideal for both stationary and mobile setups.


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