Advanced Endoscopic Systems

Indication of Use

The AQ-200 Elite is designed for both diagnostic and interventional endoscopy procedures. Its versatility allows it to be used across multiple departments, significantly enhancing its applicability and utility in various clinical settings.AQ-200 Elite Endoscopy Solution


  • Sync Force Transmission: Provides effective force and rotational control, facilitating easier navigation to target areas like the cecum.
  • Adjustable Stiffness: Features an adjustment ring allowing for changes in stiffness to accommodate different colon segments, enhancing procedural flexibility.
  • Elastic Bending: The endoscope can adaptively twist to improve navigation through the colon, reducing the need for manual adjustment and enhancing patient comfort.
  • High-Definition Imaging: Integrates a high-resolution image sensor to deliver 1080P Full HD images, crucial for identifying minute lesions.
  • Multi-Spectral Imaging: Utilizes a combination of white light and four chromo-bioimaging (CBI) spectra to enhance tissue contrast and lesion detection.

    The AQ-200 Elite is designed for both diagnostic and interventional endoscopy procedures. Its versatility allows it to be used across multiple departments, significantly enhancing its applicability and utility in various clinical settings.

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