Ankle Foot Orthotic

Indication of Use

The system is indicated for children who can independently stand without a bar and require controlled plantar flexion and promoted dorsiflexion. It is especially beneficial for managing conditions that involve tightness or shortening of the Achilles tendon and plantar fascia.


  1. Dual-Purpose Design: Integrates plantar flexion stop and dorsiflexion wedge to support and correct foot alignment.
  2. Comfort and Fit: Shares the comfort and fit features of the Mitchell PonsetiĀ® Standard AFO System, ensuring patient comfort during extended wear.
  3. Ease of Use: Designed for easy application and removal, facilitating regular use without professional assistance.
  4. Rear Plantar Flexion Stop: Limits backward motion of the foot, providing stability and support.
  5. Permanent 10-Degree Wedge: Maintains the foot in a slight dorsiflexion, aiding in the stretch of the lower calf, Achilles tendon, and plantar fascia.

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