Arc Zenith EEG

Indication of Use

It is used to detect problems in the electrical activity of the brain that may be associated with certain brain disorders. The measurements given by an EEG are used to confirm or rule out various conditions, including:

  • seizure disorders (such as epilepsy)
  • head injury
  • encephalitis (inflammation of the brain)
  • brain tumor
  • encephalopathy (a disease that causes brain dysfunction)
  • memory problems
  • sleep disorders
  • stroke
  • dementia
  • When someone is in a coma, an EEG may be performed to determine the level of brain activity. The test can also be used to monitor activity during brain surgery.


Zenith is an EMU solution

  • Simplify operational workflow
  • Reduce the risk of errors
  • Reduce setup and surgical time
  • Enhance data accuracy and analyses to improve patient outcomes

Simplify your EMU setup

  • Create montages including all electrodes with one click
  • Streamline electrode layout with automated input mapping (patent pending)
  • Control integrated switch matrix stimulation in the software
  • Auto-identify electrodes in the Arc software with the Patented Zenect™ magnetic smart electrode connectors

Zenith has a uniquely intelligent design

  • Select any input as ground on any amplifier and select any other input as the recording reference on every amplifier.
  • Patent pending Zenect magnetic mass electrode connectors allow for ease of setup
  • Onboard battery and data storage
  • Charging and Onboard Battery Status LEDs
  • Amplifier Indicator LEDs

Zenith is rugged and cleanable

  • Drop-tested with shock-absorbing bumpters
  • IP-22 water resistant

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia there live the blind texts.


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