CAD/CAM software

Indication of Use

This software is particularly useful for medical professionals and researchers involved in designing and producing custom medical devices and models, ensuring high fidelity and functionality tailored to patient-specific needs.


  • Personalized Design: Utilizes an extensive STL toolbox to design directly on patient-specific anatomy, enhancing the precision of medical devices and models.
  • Virtual Testing: Enables verification of device design and fit through virtual implantations and anatomical studies.
  • Mesh Preparation: Supports the creation of detailed surface and volume meshes, optimized for FEA and CFD simulations.
  • 3D Printing Readiness: Includes tools for adding functional elements to models and ensuring their printability with robust fixing and adjustment tools.
  • Analytical Tools: Facilitates population-wide analyses to optimize device designs based on a broad spectrum of anatomical data.

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