Cadwell Apneatrak PSG

Indication of Use



Customize your home sleep study

ApneaTrak home sleep apnea testing (HSAT) meets clinical needs for unattended Type 3 sleep studies. Three tiered models help diagnose sleep apnea and test the efficacy of treatment.

  • ApneaTrak Core has all channels needed to record a Type 3 study: nasal pressure/snoring, oximetry, body position, and thoracic effort.
  • ApneaTrak Legacy also qualifies as a Type 3 recorder and adds an abdominal effort and thermistor as recommended by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine as best practice. It also includes an input for an independent snore sensor.
  • ApneaTrak TST adds an additional three channels, which can be used as EEG, EOG, EMG, or ECG.

For optimal patient comfort, the recorder weighs only 0.3 lbs (143.5 g) and features a patient event button.

Simplify your sleep program workflow

ApneaTrak offers efficient workflow. A single connection downloads data to the software for easy scoring and review, charges the ApneaTrak, and readies it for the next patient. Reviewing PSG and HSAT studies on one integrated software platform provides efficiency in training and ongoing use. Built-in, rechargeable batteries help reduce the costs of battery replacement and enable recording of up to 24 hours of data over three nights on a single charge.

User and patient instruction videos and manuals help you seamlessly integrate ApneaTrak into your practice.

ApneaTrak home sleep testing devices are powerful tools for the diagnosis and treatment of sleep apnea.

Integrated sleep software

Initialize, record, score, and review both HSAT and PSG, performing all of your sleep diagnostics using one efficient software and workflow. Learn more about Cadwell’s sleep software.

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