Indication of Use

The TSK CO-AXIAL GUIDE NEEDLE is expertly crafted for use in a variety of medical settings, including but not limited to biopsy, catheter insertion, and fluid aspiration procedures. Its robust design and compatibility with multiple biopsy needle sizes make it a versatile choice for hospitals, clinics, and specialty care centers.


  1. Precision Guidance: The needle’s design maximizes control and accuracy, ensuring precise placement of catheters and biopsy needles, critical in achieving optimal clinical outcomes.
  2. Sterility and Safety: Each needle is EO sterilized and individually packaged, maintaining the highest standards of hygiene and safety required in medical environments.
  3. Enhanced Compatibility: Designed to be used with a broad range of needle sizes, providing flexibility in various procedural requirements.
  4. Minimal Tissue Trauma: The needle’s smooth insertion reduces tissue trauma, promoting quicker recovery and improving patient comfort.
  5. Consistent Performance: Manufactured under stringent quality controls, the guide needle delivers reliable and consistent performance, crucial for the success of medical procedures.

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