Distal Humerus Plate

Indication of Use

This plate is indicated for the fixation of complex fractures and osteotomies of the distal humerus. It is particularly useful in scenarios where enhanced stability and angular rigidity are required.


  • Anatomically Adapted Design: The plate is contoured to match the anatomy of the distal humerus, available in uniform versions for both left and right arms.
  • Combination Holes: Features angle-stable combination holes in both the head and shaft for the use of standard or fixed angle cortical screws, enhancing fixation flexibility.
  • Variety of Sizes: Available in lengths of 141 mm, 169 mm, and 199 mm, and with 5, 6, or 8 holes, accommodating various fracture complexities and patient sizes.
  • Material: Made from titanium, known for its durability, light weight, and biocompatibility, reducing the risk of allergic reactions.

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