Distal Radius Plate

Indication of Use

This plate is indicated for the treatment of distal radius fractures. It provides flexibility in surgical techniques for both initial fixation and complex reconstructions, aiming for the restoration of wrist functionality.


  • Anatomical Compatibility: Specifically shaped for the styloid process, supporting up to three screws for secure fixation.
  • Variable Angle Stability: Accommodates both standard and angle-stable cortical screws Ø 2.4 mm.
  • Enhanced Screw Design: Improved thread design in the plate holes and screws ensures better locking and reduces tissue damage.
  • Integrated Surgical Aids: Features a cut-out for adjusting intra-articular fragments and holes for Kirschner wires, facilitating precise placement.
  • Low Profile: The thin design of 1.8 mm minimizes soft tissue irritation, with a smoothed end to ease insertion.

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