Indication of Use

DYSIS Ultra with DYSISmap™ is the most effective way to detect cervical disease, improving patient management decisions and providing added confidence to discharge patients appropriately.


Detect more high-grade disease at the first visit

  • Increase in disease detection by more than 30% in all referrals and up to 50% in certain patient populations.

Direct and manage patients appropriately

  • Targeted biopsy markers to improve biopsy accuracy and reduce unnecessary biopsies.
  • Avoid repeat examinations and delays in treatment.
  • Reduce the risk of over-treatment.
  • Enable longitudinal monitoring for conservative management options.

Improve confidence to discharge

  • High negative predictive value provides added confidence to appropriately discharge women back to the community, for follow up or routine screening

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia there live the blind texts.


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