Feeding Tubes

Indication of Use

These nasogastric feeding tubes are indicated for patients in critical care, medical, elderly care, and pediatric units, as well as for community patients requiring long-term nutritional support. They are particularly useful in cases where oral intake is not possible or insufficient.


  • Sterility and Safety: Each tube is sterile and free from DEHP and latex, minimizing allergic reactions and suitable for sensitive patients.
  • Visibility and Usability: Fully radiopaque with a barium sulphate tip for clear visibility under X-ray and centimeter markings along the tube for precise placement.
  • Ease of Use: Features include a rounded tip, guidewire for easy insertion, and a color-coded strap to quickly identify the tube size.
  • Durability: Constructed from polyurethane for long-term use of up to 90 days, following hospital guidelines to prevent complications.

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