Fotoplast S Hart

Indication of Use

Fotoplast S hart is primarily used for the production of earmolds, utilizing its light-curing properties to create precise and durable components in audiology applications.


  • Light-curing Material: Specifically formulated for producing durable earmolds using light-curing technology.
  • Physical Properties: It is a viscous liquid, varies in color, and has a characteristic odor.
  • Safety Concerns: Classified for causing serious eye irritation and skin sensitization, with additional precautions needed to avoid environmental release due to its potential long-term effects on aquatic life.
  • Handling and Storage: Requires protective gloves, eye protection, and adequate ventilation during use to ensure safety, with storage away from heat and direct sunlight to maintain stability.

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia there live the blind texts.


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