Neuromuscular Stimulation Device

Indication of Use

The device is used to increase blood circulation and reduce edema. It also aids in wound healing and treats venous insufficiency and ischemia.


  1. Compact and Wearable: Designed for ease of use, the device is small and can be worn discreetly on the leg.
  2. Electrical Impulse Stimulation: It uses electrical impulses to activate calf muscles, mimicking the body’s natural venous pump.
  3. Enhances Blood Circulation: Clinically proven to increase local blood circulation, aiding in faster recovery and health improvement.
  4. Prevents Venous Thrombosis: Effective in the immediate post-surgical environment and for non-surgical patients at risk of venous thromboembolism.
  5. Reduces Edema: Helps in reducing swelling (edema) by promoting fluid movement within the circulatory system.

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