Neuromuscular Stimulation Device

Indication of Use

The geko T-3 Neuromuscular Stimulator is used to increase blood circulation, prevent venous thrombosis, and manage edema and venous insufficiency.


  1. Increasing Local Blood Circulation: It enhances blood flow in the area where the device is used.
  2. Immediate Post-Surgical Stimulation of Calf Muscles to Prevent Venous Thrombosis: This function prevents blood clots after surgery by stimulating the calf muscles.
  3. Stimulation of Calf Muscles to Prevent Venous Thrombosis in Non-Surgical Patients at Risk of Venous Embolism: It also helps prevent blood clots in non-surgical patients by activating the calf muscles.
  4. Edema Reduction: The device reduces swelling by aiding in fluid movement in the limbs.

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