PC-based portable Audiometer

Indication of Use

The Piccolo audiometer is primarily indicated for use by audiologists, hearing care professionals, and other health specialists who require a reliable, portable device for conducting comprehensive hearing assessments


  • Portability and Compact Design: The Piccolo is exceptionally lightweight, weighing less than 300 grams, and boasts a small footprint. This makes it highly portable and convenient for use in various locations without the need for a permanent setup.
  • PC-Based Control: It can be connected directly to a computer via USB without the need for installing drivers or an external power supply. This feature simplifies setup and use, ensuring that professionals can start their assessments quickly.
  • Versatile Audiometry Functions: The Piccolo offers comprehensive audiometry capabilities, including air conduction (AC), bone conduction (BC), and speech audiometry. These features are essential for a detailed and accurate hearing assessment.

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