Khymeia VRRS

Indication of Use

The scientific paradigms underpinning the system are in particular those of the “augmented feedback” and the “motor imagery”, principles that underpin the consolidated experience of the promotion, by the central nervous system, of motor learning. The augmented feedback, through exercises performed in a virtual environment, allows to develop the “knowledge of results” and the “knowledge of performance” of movements. By this way the central nervous system can activate a crucial mechanism of “physiological learning” which implies an increase of the specific information of a movement to produce as a result an effective increase of the performance quality.



Many international scientific journals have certified the better effectiveness of the VRRS method compared to the traditional rehabilitation activities. Moreover, the VRRS shows extraordinary compliance by patients who play the VRRS exercises. Its gaming-like structure activates a key motivational mechanism for the achievement of rehabilitation goals.


The VRRS method allows giving a concrete response to the constant increasing of rehabilitation demand, generated by the growing average survival rate.


The native functionality of interconnectivity and the automatic reporting system of VRRS allows not only to maintain continuous monitoring of patients but also to integrate the existing medical records and health records.


VRRS is also played as tool for scientific research. Its features provide an organized set of tools that can facilitate the conduct of scientific trials for a wide range of diseases.



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