LM Flow

Indication of Use

The LM Flow Series is indicated for High-Flow Therapy to provide supplemental oxygen and respiratory support to patients with respiratory distress who do not require invasive mechanical ventilation. It improves oxygenation, reduces respiratory effort, and enhances mucociliary clearance by delivering heated and humidified medical gas. Additionally, it is used to prevent intubation and assist in the weaning process from mechanical ventilation, making it suitable for both acute care and long-term home settings.


  1. Integrated Humidifier: Delivers optimally humidified and heated air, improving mucociliary clearance and patient comfort.
  2. Adjustable Flow Range: Provides a constant flow ranging from 2 to 80 liters per minute, accommodating a wide spectrum of clinical needs.
  3. Air-Mix Technology: Enables setting of the desired oxygen concentration via the device’s display, offering tailored therapy options.
  4. Versatile Application: Suitable for use in both acute care settings and for long-term home care, ensuring continuity of treatment.
  5. Simple Operation: Features intuitive controls and settable alarms, making it easy to use and monitor.
  6. High-Flow Therapy Benefits: Helps reduce respiratory effort, flushes nasopharyngeal dead space, and supports better oxygenation.
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