Middle Ear Analyzer / Audiometer

Indication of Use

A middle ear analyzer is a medical device intended to measure biomechanical
characteristics of the patient’s middle ear to aid the operator to evaluate its functional condition
for clinical purposes.


  • Portable and Lightweight Design: Compact size makes it easy to carry and use in various settings.
  • Touch Screen Display: Features a wide color graphical display with a touch-screen interface for ease of use.
  • Automatic Tympanometry: Capable of conducting tympanometry exams automatically using a 226 Hz probe tone, with an option for a 1000 Hz tone.
  • Acoustic Reflex Testing: Offers optional licenses to conduct ipsilateral acoustic reflex tests at multiple frequencies (0.5, 1, 2, and 4 kHz).
  • Pure Tone Audiometry: Optional license available for conducting screening pure tone air conduction audiometry.

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