OTSC® System

Indication of Use

Instrument for flexible endoscopy and for compression of tissue in thegastrointestinal (GI) tract, for haemostasis or for treating gastrointestinal organ wall lesions, and for marking of lesions. The clip OTSC gc (gastric closure) is specially designed for the treatment of perforations and lesions in the stomach.


  • Dynamic Compression: The clip is designed to continuously adapt to the thickness of the tissue it secures, providing dynamic compression that helps ensure a tight seal and effective closure.
  • Larger Tissue Volume Securement: It can secure a larger volume of tissue compared to traditional clips, which enhances its effectiveness in stopping bleeding or closing larger lesions.
  • High Stability at Lesion Site: The design of the clip provides high stability once applied, minimizing the risk of displacement and ensuring the integrity of the closure over the required duration.
  • Minimal Strain on Surrounding Tissue: The application of the OTSC® clip places minimal strain on surrounding tissues, reducing the risk of further damage or complications during and after the procedure.
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