prisma SMART plus and prisma SMART max

Indication of Use

The prisma SMART plus and prisma SMART max are primarily indicated for use in the treatment of sleep apnea, including obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). They offer CPAP and APAP therapies, tailored to improve patient compliance and comfort through automatic adjustments and advanced connectivity features. These devices facilitate detailed monitoring and management of therapy, making them suitable for patients requiring consistent oversight and those who benefit from engaging with telehealth technologies for their treatment regimen.


  • Integrated Connectivity: Both models have Bluetooth for data linkage with the prisma APP; prisma SMART max adds a modem for prisma CLOUD connection.
  • Dynamic Pressure Adjustments: Tailored APAP therapy with several dynamic pressure adjustment options to suit individual respiratory events.
  • Comfort Enhancements: Features like autoSTART, softSTART, and pressure relief softPAP to enhance comfort during therapy initiation and use.
  • Silent Operation: Designed to operate quietly to minimize sleep disturbances for users and their partners.
  • Accurate Event Detection: Utilizes Forced Oscillation Technique (FOT) to differentiate obstructive from central apneas and detect respiratory events such as RERA and snoring.

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