
Indication of Use

The BiLevel therapy device is designed for patients with obstructive, mixed, or complex sleep apnea who have specific needs such as high or fluctuating pressure requirements, poor CPAP compliance, central apneas, and sleep-related or position-dependent hypoventilation, including conditions like Obstructive Sleep Hypopnea Syndrome (OHS) and co-prevalent respiratory insufficiencies such as COPD. This device offers distinct pressure levels for inspiration and expiration and includes a backup frequency to manage central sleep events effectively.


  1. Versatile Therapy Modes: Offers a broad range of modes including CPAP, APAP, S, S/T, T, autoS, and autoS/T, providing flexibility to meet diverse patient needs.
  2. Intelligent Pressure Adjustments: Features such as additional pressure relief (Bi soft 1/2), automatically regulated pressure difference (autoPDIFF), and autoTriLevel for enhanced breathing comfort, adapting therapy within a single breath cycle.
  3. User-Friendly Interface: Equipped with a large touchscreen and smart menu navigation for intuitive and fast operation, simplifying daily use for patients.
  4. Sleep Quality Monitoring: Includes deep sleep and respiratory stability indicators that assess therapy effectiveness and improve patient management.
  5. Safety and Comfort: Offers top-level safety with automatic or permanently set backup frequency and diverse comfort functions like autoSTART, autoSTOP, and softSTART.
  6. Advanced Connectivity: Supports modern telemedicine capabilities including SD, PSG, LAN, and smartAQUAcontrol for intelligent humidification without extra sensors, facilitating remote monitoring and adjustments.
  7. Customizable Settings: SCOPES technology for indication-specific pre-settings allows for a fast and tailored start to therapy.

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