
Indication of Use

Graftys® QuickSet is used for bone reconstructive and trauma surgery: fracture repair, extremities or pelvis, complex fractures, joint arthroplasty, tibial osteotomy. It can be injected percutaneously for a better filling of remote bone cavities, minimally invasive surgery treatment of fractures, or Bone Marrow Lesions (in Europe only). It provides an ideal osteoconductive, porous and permeable scaffold to facilitate healthy bone reconstruction. Graftys® QuickSet fills the defect and is progressively resorbed and replaced by new bone during the healing process.


User friendly preparation:
• self-contained delivery system, which eliminates the need for mixing in a bowl and messy loading of a separate syringe
• intuitive preparation takes only 2 minutes: transfer – mix – inject  can be injected manually or by using a delivering gun to give surgeons more choice in handling.

• proprietary composition including a polymer to enhance the injectability and cohesion of the product.
• full range of porosity including 70% of global porosity with an interconnected pore network that enable the colonization of bone cells and biological fluid within the matrix providing an ideal environment for the ingrowth of new bone.

Mechanically resistant structure:
• within the range of cancellous bone compression resistance

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