Subiton knee spacer

Indication of Use

The Subiton Knee Spacer is a temporary implant which main function is top reserve the articular space during a Two Stage Revision Arthroplasty. This procedure consists of a first stage during which the infected prosthesis is removed, and the spacer is implanted. During the second stage, once the patient has finished the specific treatment and no signs of the infection remain, the spacer is removed to be replaced by a definitive new prosthesis.


  • Efficient release of antibiotic in situ.
  • Keeps joint space.
  • Enables joint movement enhancing patient well-being.
  • Simplifies revision access, since rotular tendon is free from usual adherences produced by immobilization.
  • Preserves extensor system in excellent condition (functioning during spacer implantation).
  • Lateral ligaments preserved and operating.
  • Better motion range than with block spacers.

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