Transurethral Ultrasound Ablation System

Indication of Use

The TULSA-PRO system is for the ablation of prostate tissue. It is specifically designed to provide a minimally invasive treatment option using directional thermal ultrasound delivered transurethrally. The system employs real-time MRI guidance to plan, monitor, and confirm the ablation of prostate tissue during the procedure. This approach allows for precise targeting of the prostate tissue, making it suitable for both whole gland ablation and targeted treatment scenarios, such as ablation post radiation failure or in the presence of malignant lesions.


  • Customizability: TULSA-PRO provides tailored ablation strategies for different prostate sizes and conditions, accommodating unique patient needs​​.
  • Predictability: The system ensures predictable outcomes through the use of MRI-guided robotic execution, which follows precisely defined ablation boundaries​​.
  • Incision-Free: The treatment is non-invasive, reducing the risks associated with cuts and speeding up recovery times​​.
    Cost-Effective: Utilizing the MR suite for procedures is less costly compared to traditional operating rooms, making it more economical​​.
  • High Throughput: The system allows for performing multiple procedures in a single day due to its efficient process, enhancing clinical productivity​​.

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