Indication of Use

The TSK SURELOCK Needle is engineered for the precise collection of bone marrow samples. It is ideal for use in medical facilities where bone marrow biopsy procedures are performed, offering enhanced sample integrity and minimized procedural trauma.


  1. Innovative SURELOCK Technology: Ensures secure capture and retention of bone marrow tissue, reducing the need for multiple punctures.
  2. Optimized Handle Design: Features an ergonomically designed handle for improved grip and control during procedures.
  3. Minimized Tissue Trauma: The needle’s design allows for a less invasive procedure, decreasing discomfort and potential tissue damage.
  4. Easy Tissue Retrieval: Includes a stylus and a special stick for straightforward tissue collection and measurement.
  5. Safety Features: Equipped with a safety cap and markings at 1cm intervals with double lines every 5cm to accurately measure sample size.

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