Invitro Fertilization – Recent Developments

LabotectEmbryo Transfer Catheter

Embryo transfer catheter from Labotect is a quality product from Germany. It has many features and design advantages in comparison to Cook Medical’s Embryo transfer catheter. Labotect situated in the heart of Germany mainly develops products in the field of reproductive assistance and other life science laboratory products. Labotect is ISO13485 accredited for the development, manufacture, distribution, and servicing of devices and tools for assisted reproduction, gynecology, surgery, and tissue culture.  It has obtained approval certificates from Europe, and CDSCO from India.

Morulaa Healthtech Pvt. Ltd is the licensed importer of Labotect medical devices in India.

labotect embryo transfer catheter ivf
Embryo Transfer Catheter

Assisted Reproductive Technology(ART)

Assisted reproductive technology (ART) is done to tackle infertility. It involves fertility procedures that manage both a woman’s egg and a man’s sperm. It operates by separating eggs from a woman’s body. The eggs are then associated with sperm to create embryos. The embryos are later placed back in the woman’s body. In vitro fertilization (IVF) is the prevalent and useful type of ART.

Infertility in women and men has been on the rise lately because of various underlying health conditions the individual has and their lifestyle. People who want to have children of their own resort to the rather old but ever-evolving Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART). One of the technologies that have garnered a lot of popularity among infertile couples is the In Vitro Fertilization technique, most commonly known as IVF, which has been in use for many years. 

As we know, IVF is one of the most common technology to treat infertility. In 1978, the first IVF-based human was born. The technology has advanced over the years and according to data from the U.S, 1.5% of the total births were from IVF.

From using Transvaginal Ultrasound in place of laparoscopic retrievals and fallopian tube transfers, ART has come a long way, here are a few case studies that have given a new insight into the world of ART.

Decreased Risk of Cancer

A Danish study on children showed that children born using ART were less susceptible to cancer compared to children conceived without ART. This study had its limitations as well with cancer prevalence among young children or adults is low. ART-conceived children were correlated to instinctively conceived babies from subfertile women and the broad people.  This claim needs to be made strong with further wide-scale follow-up studies.

Safe Reproductive way for HIV- Couples

Compared to contemporary decades, several HIV-positive women with access to care and medicine presently experience long, extensive lives that involve expanding their families. A study was done where vaginal insemination was done at timely intervals on HIV- positive women so that they could conceive without the risk of transmitting the disease.

Endometriosis – Treating with Anti-biotics

Endometrium- cells lining the inside of the uterus. Endometriosis is the disorder where the endometrium cells grow outside the uterus on fallopian tubes, cervix, etc.

Human Reproduction had a study published that controlling specific gut bacteria would reduce the progression of endometriosis. A surgically injected endometriosis mice were treated with metronidazole showed that endometriotic lesions were smaller in size and progressed at a low level. Further study showed that inflammation was reduced and protective bacteria was low which can be fixed with antibiotic therapy.

The latest procedures in ART mentioned above show that ART is on the right track to be more successful and spread widely. It can well be the perfect choice for infertile couples.

Now, let’s look at a few of the top fertility clinics in each region of India. These clinics use the latest technologies, procedures and more education on the new technologies could be helpful to them. Some of the Fertility clinics are as follows





Distributors deal with the aforementioned clinics and distribute Embryo Transfer Catheter and other gynecology products


Embryo Transfer Catheter by Labotect is an embryo transfer medical device approved by CDSCO in India. This article deals with the latest procedural advancements in ART and a list of popular clinics in India. This product could play an important role in IVF’s present and future developments.

This information might be critical for dealers and distributors since it will help them decide which kind of surgeons and hospitals to service.

Morulaa is a turnkey solution provider with an in-house Regulatory Consultancy team to conduct registrations of medical devices. Morulaa provides high-quality and professional services for Regulatory Consultancy and we aim at developing long-term relationships for India.

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