
Indication of Use

Oxiplex is intended to be placed around neural tissues following spine surgery to reduce adhesion formation and related symptoms such as pain.


The benefits of using a FzioMed adhesion barrier gel in spine surgery include:

  • Exceptional safety
  • Designed and indicated for use in spine surgery
  • Safety and performance established in spine surgery
  • Ready to use
  • Fast application, thorough coverage
  • Colorless (to allow clear view of surgical field and neural elements)
  • Absorbable

Protects the Procedure

  • Separates and coats tissues
  • Barrier to biochemical irritants
  • Reduces adhesions

Optimizes Healing

  • Moderates pain and symptoms
  • Fewer adhesions
  • Easier re-operations

Improves Outcomes

  • Minimizes leg and back (spine) pain
  • Lower re-operation rates

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