Semi-Compliant PTCA Balloon Dilatation Catheter

Indication of Use

The Simpass Plus RX PTCA Balloon Dilatation Catheter is intended for dilating stenotic coronary arteries or graft stenoses to enhance myocardial perfusion. It is suitable for both simple and complex coronary conditions, accommodating a broad range of patient anatomies.


  • Equipped with a low-profile, flexible balloon that enhances lesion crossability and re-crossability.
  • Features a superior hydrophilic coating extending from the distal tip to the RX port, facilitating smooth navigation across various anatomical structures.
  • The catheter’s tapered tip and lubricous guidewire (GW) lumen ensure excellent compatibility and maneuverability with different guidewires.
  • Advanced hypotube design delivers remarkable pushability and kink resistance, maintaining structural integrity under challenging conditions.
  • Offers a comprehensive size matrix to accommodate all requirements in PTCA procedures.
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