Indication of Use

The Single Bonding adhesive is designed for aesthetic dental restorations, effectively bonding composite materials to both enamel and dentin. It is applied using the total-etch wet-bonding technique to ensure strong and durable adhesion, making it ideal for various cosmetic dental procedures.


  • One Component System: It integrates primer and adhesives, streamlining the bonding process in dental restorations.
  • Light Curing: The material cures under light, allowing for precise control over the setting time and a strong bond formation.
  • High Bond Strength: Demonstrates a bond strength to dentin over 28MPa, ensuring durability and reliability in restorative procedures.
  • Solvent-Free: This attribute enhances the safety and health considerations during dental procedures.
  • Compatibility: Works well with composites from various brands, offering versatility in clinical applications.
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