Tracheostomy Tube

Indication of Use

The Rota-Trach cuffed tracheostomy tube is indicated for adult patients who require a secure and sealed airway management solution following tracheostomy. This tube helps prevent the passage of secretions into the lower airways and is essential for patients needing a controlled airway for breathing assistance.



  • Structure: Includes a double-lumen setup with a replaceable inner cannula featuring a 15 O.D. connector, an outer tube, and a neck plate for stabilization, alongside an introducer for easier tube placement.
  • Sterility: Sterilized using ethylene oxide to ensure safety, it remains sterile unless the packaging is damaged or opened.
  • Cuff Functionality: Equipped with an inflatable cuff to ensure a proper seal of the airway, which can be adjusted through a radiopaque inflation tube.
  • Fenestrated Option: Available with a fenestrated cannula that assists in the weaning process by allowing some air to pass to the upper airway, enabling spontaneous breathing and speech.
  • Usage Duration: Designed for repeated use within the same patient over a 29-day period, with recommendations for frequent replacement under clinical supervision.

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